
montage_wrapper.wrappers.reproject_cube(in_image, out_image, header=None, bitpix=None, north_aligned=False, system=None, equinox=None, factor=None, common=False, cleanup=True, clobber=False, silent_cleanup=True)[source]

Cube reprojection routine.

If one input/output image is specified, and the header argument is set, the routine is equivalent to using mProject or mProjectPP. If header= is not set, a new header is computed by taking into account the north_aligned, system, and equinox arguments (if set).

Parameters :

in_image : str

Path of input FITS file to be reprojected.

out_image : str

Path of output FITS file to be created.

header : str, optional

Path to the header file to use for re-projection.

bitpix : int, optional

BITPIX value for the ouput FITS file (default is -64). Possible values are: 8 (character or unsigned binary integer), 16 (16-bit integer), 32 (32-bit integer), -32 (single precision floating point), -64 (double precision floating point).

north_aligned : bool, optional

Align the pixel y-axis with North

system : str, optional

Specifies the coordinate system Possible values are: ‘EQUJ’, ‘EQUB’, ‘ECLJ’, ‘ECLB’, ‘GAL’, ‘SGAL’

equinox : str, optional

If a coordinate system is specified, the equinox can also be given in the form ‘YYYY’. Default is ‘J2000’.

factor : float, optional

Drizzle factor (see mProject)

clobber : bool, optional

Overwrite the data cube if it already exists?

silent_cleanup : bool, optional

Hide messages related to tmp directory removal (there will be one for each plane of the cube if set to False)

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